What a Wednesday!

Wow, I am glad yesterday is over. I have to admit that yesterday didn’t really go for me as I have planned it. Not much have happened, but even the one thing did, managed to mess me up some.

As I was working I started to feel some pain in my throat. So many people have been sick at work lately, and I’ve been trying to stay away from it all the best way I can, but now I feel like I am loosing the battle. While keeping busy, I was having a little healthy snack of raw almonds, I bit something hard. At first I thought that there was a rock in my almonds, but sadly I realized that it was part of my tooth. 🙁

Ironically, I already had a dentist appointment set up for Monday, but I knew immediately that I wasn’t willing to wait that long to be seen. Thankfully I was able to find someone to take me in early in the afternoon, and right by my house.

I did get my tooth fixed for the time being, but I will need to get back in for a crown. Can you see the $ signs adding up, you know I can!!! All I am hoping now, that my tooth won’t reject this filling, so I wouldn’t have to get a root canal, because that would cost even more… In the end, I am just happy that I am finally taking care of all this, and hopefully my smile would shine even brighter and healthier very soon. 😉

Today, I feel like crap. My tooth thankfully doesn’t hurt. I just wish I could say the same about my throat. It hurts to swallow and I keep coughing… All I am hoping that I will get all better within a week, since two weeks from now I will be in New Orleans to attend “An Event Apart”.

Emeril Live

Yesterday I made a reservation for Paul and I to have dinner at one of Emeril’s restaurant called NOLA, so we are both excited for some of his great food. No more of sitting in front of Food Network Channel and drooling over his culinary masterpieces, but let’s actually have a bite and enjoy all of it with all of our senses. 😉


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