
The ConversationI realize that this is way overdue but it’s better later than never. 😉

Not only I never thought that I’ll have the honor to be invited to be guest on one of Dan Benjamin‘s video podcast shows The Conversation but who knew that I’d find the courage and actually accept it. Well, I did!

What a great first experience, regardless how nerve-wracking that was. I wouldn’t have made it through as well as I did if it wasn’t for my amazing fellow Spiderwomen, Geri Coady who I’ve met earlier this year at An Event Apart Boston & Candi Ligutan who I later became friends at An Event Apart DC.

If you’ve missed it, no worries as you can see how we all did!


  1. Candi says:

    Yay! You finally got your blog up! Super proud of you. Can’t wait to see more posts.

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