laptop “code” category

Calendar Business Cards

Back in 2011, while in Europe, I finally found myself in UK, so I could attend dConstruct, a wonderful conference ran by the fine Clearleft team. It was then when I met Brian Suda for the first time. One evening he showed me one of his calendar business cards. What struck me about them was […]

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Responsive Responsive Design

I just finished listening to a Peachpit webinar who had Tim Kadlec on as a guest to talk about “Responsive Responsive Design”. Why the emphasis on the word responsive? Well, it is not just about making your site to have flexible layout that adjusts based on your device but also as fast as possible. Tim […]

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How to customize wp_list_categories HTML output

I needed custom HTML output for wp_list_categories in my Wordpress theme to accommodate desired rendering of icon fonts from Symbolset, and this post tells you how I got to succeed at it.

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Twitter Cards

Seems like social media is on constant rise and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon. Technology is progressing, which brings us new challenges that us designers, developers, as well as many others are faced with to tackle on daily basis. I have to admit, that at times it may become overwhelming a […]

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How to remove height and width attributes from images in WordPress

Nowadays, building responsive websites is becoming more and more common. That forces us to make sure no matter what CMS or platform we are working with, the end result is what we need it to be for the site display as desired. Especially, if a client takes over further content input who has minimal or […]

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