Responsive design is a term that has become sort of a buzzword over the years, ever since it has been first introduced at An Event Apart Seattle by Ethan Marcotte back in 2010. A lot of us has embraced the approach as it made sense, even though we’ve been faced with new challenges and were […]
write “general” category
Firefox OS Typeface
Firefox OS typeface, Fira Sans, has been made available for free download and use on Mozilla’s site as part of their style guide with some handy recommendations, text styles and usage examples. The Fira font family is a sans serif and comes with four weights (light, regular, medium and bold), also available in italic. It […]
Earlier tonight, I finished listening the latest Happy Monday podcast episode #55 that is hosted by my lovely friend Sarah and equally lovely recently acquired friend Josh where they are both talking about unplugging and being more personal in 2014. Within the first few minutes into the show, I caught myself constantly nodding to everything […]
Twitter Cards
Seems like social media is on constant rise and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon. Technology is progressing, which brings us new challenges that us designers, developers, as well as many others are faced with to tackle on daily basis. I have to admit, that at times it may become overwhelming a […]
How to remove height and width attributes from images in WordPress
Nowadays, building responsive websites is becoming more and more common. That forces us to make sure no matter what CMS or platform we are working with, the end result is what we need it to be for the site display as desired. Especially, if a client takes over further content input who has minimal or […]