Police search in our neighborhood

What a day yesterday it was, at least somewhat exciting! As I was driving home and was about to enter our street where we live, I see the entrance taped off and a cop in a car blocking on top of it. Well, I figured that I would go around the block and make it in from the other side‚ but once I got closer in, I noticed that it was blocked of as well. 🙁

I was tired and cranky, so I was anxious to get home ASAP. There were so many cops and people standing by, and I had no idea what was going on! A cop came up to me, and after insisting, he let me go through so I could go home.

After I changed, I had to go and find out what was going on. No one didn’t know much, but then I found out that there was an assault on a bus and cops were looking for that person around our neighborhood, since he was armed. You can read more about it at FOX12 site.

They never ended up finding him, and neither our victim but I got few pics out of all this excitement in North Portland. 😉

north street view
south street view

Aside that, I heard back from Paul yesterday, who left on Monday to an Air Assault school at the Oregon coast. Apparently after the first day, about 40 people out of about 150 was already sent home after not being able to complete their first day obstacle courses. BUT, my honey bunny made it through to the next round. I hope someone will take some pictures so I could share them with you all very soon. 😉


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