The stitches are out!

Finally those stitches are out! It was about time, since they were bugging me and itching as crazy. Results from the biopsy were great, no cancer, which was a great news. Now it burns a little since the doc had to remove a scab that was over my stitches, so I was bleeding a little. Anyway, I will be fine as usual. I will just suck it up, as I always do 😉

Besides everything else, I was back at Crossfit this week. Got to go twice, but didn’t push myself too hard with weights to give my stitches a break. I will be back tomorrow for a Girl’s day out, which will include a workout, as well an early dinner. Last night, after the workout I went to Kiteboarding for Cancer fundraiser event that was held at Crossfit gym. It was a lot of fun hanging out with my Crossfit friends, got to meet few new ones as well.

Last, but not least, my sister Martina got a new haircut and I LOVE it! What do you think? Do we look a like?


  1. Rochelle says:

    I didn’t know about those there stitches. Why didn’t you tell me? Looking forward to seeing you today.


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