Blue Beanie Day

Blue Beanie Day avatarsYes, it’s that time of the year again when you might be wondering what got into people by changing their profile pictures and avatars wearing those silly blue beanies. Well, let me break it to you – it’s a Blue Beanie Day! 😉

No, but seriously, if you still aren’t sure what the whole deal is, it’s just a way people like me try to show their support to how to design with web standards. This is actually already a 4th year of this event that seems to be growing bigger each time & it’s definitely something that I look forward to.

It’s fun to see what people come up with and how creative some can get.

Would you like to participate and don’t know how? It’s easier than one thing can ever be and it’s never too late to join. So, this is how (just like Jeffrey suggests):

  1. Take a picture of yourself wearing a blue beanie upload it to the Blue Beanie Day 2010 pool on Flickr.
  2. Add a blue beanie to any of your social network avatar that you are using like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc.
  3. If you don’t have a blue beanie nor time to Photoshop one out, that’s when or come to the rescue.

If you feel like you want to go above and beyond, feel like you have something witty to say, you can always write a web standards haiku and post it to Twitter with the hashtag #bbd4 for your chance to win one of Peachpit’s & A Book Apart’s web design books in the Blue Beanie Day Haiku Contest.

So, what you are waiting for and join the band wagon of yet another year in spirit of web standards and making the web a better place for everyone! I’ll see you there, right? 🙂


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