My dear and talented friends: Bridget Stewart, Brad Colbow and Brad Dielman asked me if I would like to come back to Cleveland for their second year of putting on Rustbelt Refresh conference.
write “general” category
Ryan – Our Piano Prodigy
Just few days ago, I got an exciting news from home that my seven year old nephew Ryan has been possibly discovered for his amazing talent playing piano that he grew over last 16 months or so.
In Control Conference (Day 1 & 2 notes)
Daniel Ryan: Keynote Design doesn’t equal Aesthetics what is design? frictionless is better than funneled don’t just test, optimize humans are more important than business goals being where users are is better than trying to get them where you want them to be be smarter is better than being “perfect” “human first web design” humans […]
Responsive Responsive Design
I just finished listening to a Peachpit webinar who had Tim Kadlec on as a guest to talk about “Responsive Responsive Design”. Why the emphasis on the word responsive? Well, it is not just about making your site to have flexible layout that adjusts based on your device but also as fast as possible. Tim […]
How to customize wp_list_categories HTML output
I needed custom HTML output for wp_list_categories in my Wordpress theme to accommodate desired rendering of icon fonts from Symbolset, and this post tells you how I got to succeed at it.